الفيس بوك هايضيف خاصية جديدة في الاعلانات وهي Ins...

الفيس بوك هايضيف خاصية جديدة في الاعلانات وهي
Instagram Engagement for Custom Audience
الخواص المتاحة هاتبقي
- People who visited your business profile
- Anyone who interacted with any post or ad from your business, including those who swiped a carousel, clicked on a call to action button, commented on or shared a post or ad, or swiped up on an Instagram story
- People who sent a message to your business profile
- People that saved any post or ad
دا غير انه هايعمل update للـ Custom Audiences الموجودة حاليا وهايضيف ليهم
- People who viewed a video post or ad of the business on Instagram (including Instagram Stories)
- People that opened a lead ad form on Instagram
- People that opened a lead ad on Instagram but did not submit
التحديث هاينزل بالتدريج خلال شهر ٧